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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Allergies

You may be allergic to Christmas or maybe just the LIVE TREE sitting in your house.

This should be no surprise, but who thinks about it.
Most live Christmas Trees are a form of evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine or fir. These trees are common culprets of allergy sufferers. Normally December is a time when allergy symptoms are reduced greatly. Then you bring in a beautiful, living evergreen. "AChoo!" Then add a blazing fire place. The eyes start watering, sinuses get stuffy.

What is the answer for Christmas Allergies?

  • You can continue to get a live tree and suffer through it. 
  • You can certainly go with the artificial option. There are artificial trees now that are absolutely beautiful. They are about as much as a live tree and they last for years. And for the smell you can burn an evergreen candle, unless you have allergies to fragrances and perfumes. 
  • You can opt out of a tree all together.
  • You can start Immunotherapy to handle your allergies all year long. 
Allergena Texas Trees
Allergena - Texas Trees, offers Immunotherapy for many plant, tree and grass allergens. Like Immunotherapy injections (allergy shots), it is not an instant fix. Start now to prepare for your next allergy season and see how much better you'll feel.