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Monday, December 1, 2014

Allergy ProAction as Opposed to ReAction

Allergies are like so many other infections we are more likely to react to them rather than take precautions to prevent them. 

Your body needs regular maintenance and care. There are thousands of studies proving that you need a well balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep. Your body also needs bacteria!


Yes! Your body needs bacteria to maintain a good, healthy immune system. 

Probiotics are bacteria and yeast that your body uses to team up with to promote its own strength. Specifically, your digestive system works best with a balance of good bacteria. When that balance is disturbed, often during illness or the use of antibiotics, you can consume probiotics which are found in supplements and foods. 

Stefano Guandalini, MD, professor of pediatrics and gastroenterology at the University of Chicago Medical Center, says “Probiotics can improve intestinal function and maintain the integrity of the lining of the intestines,” and his research and studies show, "In societies with very good hygiene, we’ve seen a sharp increase in autoimmune and allergic diseases.“That may be because the immune system isn’t being properly challenged by pathogenic organisms. Introducing friendly bacteria in the form of probiotics is believed to challenge the immune system in healthy ways.” (WebMD)

Activia (non-greek yogurt) offers the highest count of probiotics per serving.

The article linked above discusses a few different options for yogurts. 

Probiotics are most often consumed when eating dairy products, the most noted is yogurt. There are several supplemental forms of probiotics including powders, tablets and capsules. When selecting supplements remember that these products are not regulated by the FDA, so stick to well known, time tested companies and for concerns seek advice from your doctor or dietary consultant.