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Friday, April 3, 2015

How do you know if your pet has allergies?

Have you ever considered your furry family member may have Pet Allergies?

You probably think it's funny or cute when your pets sneeze. Is it funny and cute when you sneeze? Especially not if you are sneezing because of allergies.
Allergies experienced by our pets are different from those we experience. Pet Allergies symptoms are often:
  • Watery Eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Scratching leading welts, open sores, and loss of hair.
  • Dogs can also get ear infections

Pet allergies can come from:

Atopy: also known as seasonal pollen allergies Symptoms:
  • Chewing at the feet
  • Constant licking of the flank (side) and groin area
  • Rubbing of the face
  • Inflamed ears or recurrent ear infections
  • Recurrent hot spots in dogs and pinpoint facial scabbing in cats
  • Asthma-like wheezing and respiratory problems (more likely in cats)
Contact Dermatitis: allergies to carpet, cleansers or plastic

  • Red itchy bumps or blisters on sparsely-haired areas of the skin and those exposed to the allergen such as the belly, feet, or muzzle
  • Intense scratching
  • Hair loss (in chronic conditions)
Food Allergies: often when experiencing other kinds of allergic reactions you animals will have an allergic reaction to common food.

  • Itching, especially face, feet, trunk, limbs and anal area
  • Ear problems, often yeast-related
  • Skin infections that respond to antibiotics, but then recur as soon as the antibiotic therapy ceases
True Food Allergies are marked in dogs by increased bowel movements and regularly soft stool. Be cautious of food intolerance which causes diarrhea and vomiting.
Allergena for you Pet's Relief