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Friday, May 13, 2016

Dust Mites and Bed Bugs

Dust mites and bed bugs –two totally different types of pests!

cartoon of a bed bug
Dust mites

Dusts mites live in our carpets, upholstered furniture, stuffed animals, drapes and mattresses.  They are akin to the spider and about .25 to .3 mm long.  They are not visible to the naked eye. Dust mites feed on human skin cells but they don’t always stop there.  If we are messy eaters they will feast on crumbs and sugary bits carelessly dropped between the sheets.
And like everything that eats, it poops.  Dust mite excretions is the trigger behind our allergic reactions.  Some people breathe in this allergen and have no ill effect, but for others who suffer with COPD, asthma or respiratory issues, dust mites can bring about a mild to severe adverse reaction.   
Dust mites live everywhere that people live. The love warm, moist places like your bedding and carpets.

A female dust mite can produce up to 300 eggs during its 80 to 90 day lifespan and excrete over 200 times its body weight in poop.  Are you grossed out yet?  I am!

It is the most common household allergen, affecting 10% of the population and is the number one cause of perennial allergic rhinitis.  The elderly and kids are the most susceptible to these allergens. 

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are six-legged repulsive, parasitic insects.  They are about the size of a tick and reddish in color.  And like the tick, they are bloodsucking insects, feeding off of you.  They mainly come out at night but are not strictly nocturnal. 

Bed bugs love all beds because of the warmth and moistness but mostly an infestation will only take place in dirty/messy homes or hotels.  Clutter affords them a great place to hide and frequent guests provide food and the chance to spread. They travel anywhere, usually by catching a ride in pillows, stuffed animals, or clothing.

If you have an infestation you will notice small, itchy bites all over your skin when you wake.  They love to wait until dark to come out from their hiding place, feed off of you and then return to their nesting spot to sleep off their meal.  One good thing is that they lack the enzymes to create an allergic reaction in people.  Of course, just the knowledge that tiny vampire-like creatures are sucking on your blood while you are sleeping is probably enough to give you an allergic reaction.

How to stop the bugs?

Bed bugs are very difficult to get rid of without professional help.  If you live in a rental speak to your landlord.  If you own, contact a reputable service who has experience in eliminating these nasty creatures. 

If you are a frequent traveler, bag your clothing in air-tight bags and only take in what you need for the day.  Keep your luggage elevated.  If you are staying at a motel and awake to red, itchy bites report them ASAP to the manager.

Dust mites are much easier to keep at bay.  You can purchase good dust mite covers for your bed and buy cleaning products especially designed to alter the natural qualities of the dust mite allergen.  Heat works wonders, too!  Wash your bedding in hot water and dry on the highest temperature.  Vacuum and dust regularly.