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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Autumn Allergies

Autumn allergies can make life particularly miserable for some people, and fall is just around the corner.

autumn allergies

We are still in the peak of long, hot summer days. The last thing on our minds is the chill of autumn air. This is especially true if you are dealing with the allergies associated with summer and those of us allergic to grasses. But autumn is just around the corner. And autumn allergies can make life particularly miserable for some people. Autumn is officially weed allergy season.
“Ragweed pollen is one of the predominant allergens in the fall; it can cause rhinitis and trigger asthma, and it may make eczema worse or cause conjunctivitis,” says Dr. Ivan Chinn, professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and an immunology, allergy and rheumatology physician at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.
Because of its abundance in the fall, ragweed has its own classification of severe autumn allergies. There are lots of different types of ragweed. Additionally, there are many other types of weeds releasing pollen airborne. This is the major reason doctors will just refer to them all as simply "general weeds" Nevertheless, when it comes to autumn allergies, 99% of the time, the person is allergic to ragweed. It is so prevalent, with so many people, that even when you get an itch in your mouth after eating an avocado or banana, ragweed pollen is to blame. This is due to cross-pollination of the crops.

Weed allergies are not the only allergen affecting us in the fall. Mold is also a major fall and late summer allergen. But unlike with weed allergies, mold spores lie dormant through winter until the spring. Weed allergies start in the fall and can affect us throughout the winter months.

So how do you prepare for these inevitable and approaching allergies? If you have autumn allergies, you can avoid the outdoors when your symptoms are exceptionally bad. Washing your hair at night and changing out of your clothing helps significantly. Pollen stays on hair and skin, causing more and more exposure each time you touch or brush your hair. Make sure you aren't contaminating your bedding or sleeping in contaminated bedding will help as well. Simple products like Allergena Trees, Weeds, or Grasses or Allergena Mold Mix taken as a daily sublingual supplement can prove to be a successful tool to keeping you symptom-free from autumn allergies. When you're dealing with any allergies, always remember that people with allergies tend to live longer than those without them. Allergies are not a disease, it's your body's best defense system at work.